Welcome to the Documentation for CERN Analysis Preservation
CERN Analysis Preservation (CAP) is an open source preservation service run at CERN which is targeted at capturing and preserving physics analysis information generated by researchers at CERN in a secure environment where users retain full control of their information and data.
We want to make it easier for physicists to find, understand and reuse analysis information just as they have done before but with less effort involved. CAP has been designed to seamlessly integrate into collaboration workflows, so that information can be captured and preserved at the earliest stage and throughout an analysis life-cycle - including during the reviewing process, but also after publication and many years in the future to make sure analyses can be retrieved, shared or reused.
Find our contact information here.
- Introduction
- What is CAP?
- Who is it for?
- Use Cases
- How To Preserve?
- What is a JSON Schema?
- Authorisation and Access
How To Guides
- Creating new CAP entry
- Adding a dataset
- Uploading files
- Connecting your repository
- Sharing your analysis
- How to search
- Workflows
- Collections
- Admin panel
CERN Analysis Preservation source code is licensed under GNU General Public License version 3.
Copyright (C) 2014-2021 CERN.
The content of this documentation is licensed under CC-BY 4.0 unless specifically stated otherwise.